As Friends of Southgate Community Center, we are committed to fostering unity, compassion, and belonging within the community. Our dedication to these values strengthens our connection with our neighbors and enriches the experiences we share.

We at Friends, alongside our neighbors, the staff of Southgate, and our County partners, are devoted to upholding the dignity and self-worth of all people, regardless of their race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression.

Our love for the work we do at Friends is unwavering, and we are committed to building an environment where every individual feels respected, valued, and supported. We strive to be an organization you can trust, one that is dedicated to making a positive impact on the people and families we serve.


Caren Anton

Caren Anton


Caren Anton serves as the  Chair for the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council and has been a member since 2022.  Caren is an amazing asset as she is a former  RA (Reston Association) Board member and President,  a Reston Historic Trust Board Member, a longtime Reston Resident, and volunteers to help her community thrive.

Maryam Ovissi

Maryam Ovissi

Vice Chair

Maryam Ovissi is the current Vice Chair, and has been a member of the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council since March 2017. In addition to her services to Southgate Community Center, Maryam is the founder and director of Beloved Yoga: A Sanctuary for All. Maryam is proud to have Beloved Yoga offer programs at Southgate  for the community.

Alexandra Rossi

Alexandra Rossi


Alexandra Rossi is the current Treasurer since 2024. She became a member of the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council in 2018 and was active until 2021, to later rejoin in 2023. She is the owner of ARM Integrated Communications, and as an expert in the field, she is also active in the marketing initiatives.

Kerri Bouie

kerri bouie


Kerri Bouie serves as the Secretary for the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council. A longtime Reston Resident, Kerri is an accomplished interior designer with extensive experience in the commercial and hospitality industries. 

Yasmine Aquino

Yasmine Aquino


Yasmine Aquino currently serves on Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council since 2023. Recently retired from Americorps, Yasmine moved to Reston from Rockville, MD in 2022. In gratitude for the safe and beautiful community she lives in, she would like to “give back.” Yasmine believes in the power of community and the power of human connection, and that positive and meaningful change can happen by empowering individuals and neighborhoods. “I am ready to work with others to meet the needs of our community.”

Gerald Padmore

Gerald Padmore


Gerald S. Padmore has been on the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council. He served as the Treasurer since 2013 until 2024. Gerald grew up in Reston and has lived in the Hunter Mill district for over 45 years. Gerald loves his family, reading, and sports.

Andy Sigle

Andy Sigle


Andy Sigle has served as a member of the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council since 2014. A former Chair of the Council, he is also involved in the community as a Reston Historic Trust Board Member, a SLHS PTSA Food Pantry co-founder and lead, and a member of The Reston Chorale.

Judy Singer


Judy Singer is a member of the Cathy Hudgins Community Center at Southgate Advisory Council.  She is the current President & CEO of Loudoun Habitat for Humanity, bringing over 20 years of experience as a nonprofit executive in the Washington, DC area. Throughout her career, she has been deeply committed to serving her community. A native of Reston, VA, Judy now resides there with her daughter, enjoying all that the area has to offer. She takes full advantage of Reston’s walking paths, parks, shopping, and vibrant arts and cultural events.